Pitch Partners: Cancer Research

April 21, 2022
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Join the Center for Community Health Partnership & Research for Pitch Partners, a pitch-style event that brings researchers and community members together to collaborate on health-related projects. This event, co-sponsored by Siteman Cancer Center, will focus on cancer research.  

Five-minute pitch-style presentations are provided for the four project ideas selected. Teams can use a variety of visual media, including but not limited to slides and videos. After each pitch, presenters will respond to five to ten minutes of Q&A from a review panel and from audience members. The remainder of the event is dedicated to networking, sharing insight, and offering feedback on the projects. Presenting teams may be invited to apply for a $10,000 award.

Pitch Partners is free to attend and is open to researchers, students, and community members. Advance registration is required. While pitchers and judges will convene in person, attendees will join virtually via Zoom.

Want to apply to Pitch? Learn how here.

This Pitch Partners event is sponsored by the Center for Community Health Partnership and Research at the Institute for Public Health and the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences and the Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University Medical School