Join us for WUNDIR Café, a very casual, agenda-less opportunity to connect with others interested in implementation science. You do not have to consider yourself an implementation scientist to join. WashU students, faculty, and staff; external collaborators; and all others are welcome!
No registration required, but please email to be added to the invite and stay in the loop about the event.
There are two options to engage this semester:
- On February 19, enjoy happy hour with us from 3 to 6 p.m. at Session Taco (formerly Mission Taco) on Delmar.
- On April 11, grab a coffee and hang with us from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. in Hillman Hall 200.

About Session Taco
Session Taco (formerly Mission Taco) offers tasty food and beverages. Our event falls during their happy hour, but you may also order from their full menu. Each guest will pay for their own tab.
We will be setup in their Bodega Room, which is a private space right next to the main entrance of the restaurant. Look for the chalk sign! Attendees are responsible for purchasing their own refreshments.
Session Taco is located at 6235 Delmar Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63130. There is a large free parking lot behind Session Taco called the “Link in the Loop” parking. There is also metered street parking nearby.
WUNDIR is the WashU Network of Dissemination & Implementation Researchers, which seeks to connect leading-edge D&I researchers with those newly involved in this field.