The Washington University Network of Dissemination and Implementation Researchers (WUNDIR) connects leading-edge D&I researchers with those newly involved in this field.
Our group convenes WashU researchers with a common interest in dissemination and implementation (D&I) science. We work in a wide variety of settings and sectors (e.g., mental health services, public health, diabetes, acute care, emergency medicine, obesity, cancer, tobacco, many others).
Here are some ways to connect
WUNDIR Café: Network with us!
WUNDIR Café is a less formal way to meet others interested in implementation science. You won’t find presentations or agendas at this monthly meet up, just conversation between like-minded individuals. You are welcome even if you don’t consider yourself an implementation scientist.
One really neat thing about WUNDIR Café is meeting with both leaders and in the field and also individuals from other fields to discuss opportunities for collaboration, future projects and how implementation science and my field (rehab science) fit into other fields (e.g., engineering).
Catherine Hoyt, Instructor
WUNDIR Meetings
WUNDIR holds regular half-day meetings to learn about new resources for D&I science, to provide peer critique of papers and grant proposals, and to plan joint projects. Meetings are scheduled approximately every other month, and are open to anyone at WashU with an interest in dissemination & implementation science.
We build a transdisciplinary understanding of the methodological issues and conceptual challenges required for multi-year D&I research grants.
Some of the topics we cover include: D&I methodologies, systems science, human centered design, student education, D&I resources at WashU, dissemination, deimplementation, and much more.
Get Feedback
Have a D&I research proposal or early development grant that you’d like feedback on? You can have it reviewed during the mock peer review section of an upcoming WUNDIR meeting.
Stay Connected
The WUNDIR listserv provides a convenient way to receive updates about opportunities to engage in D&I science. These periodic messages (usually five or fewer a month) include details on training opportunities, speakers, presentations and related programs, and fellowship opportunities.