Want to engage partners through a planning process to maximize the impact of your project?
The D4DS Planner is a Webtool to help teams conducting health related research or projects engage partners through a process of Designing for Dissemination and Sustainability.
The D4DS planner helps you collaboratively build plans for your project that focus on developing, disseminating and sustaining the products listed below. Any team working on a health related project may benefit from using the D4DS planner.
What is the benefit of using D4DS?
D4DS focuses on engaging partners in design to ultimately increase adoption, sustainability, and impact on health and health equity. By using it, theinvestment of our limited time, money, and effort spent on doing research is well spent. The community experiences improved health and health equity, clinical and public health systems are able to sustain the care and services they provide, and society pays for only the highest-value care and services.
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